Category Archives: On the Side

Six Ways I Love Sixty

This isn’t a post you get to write just every day. I’m going to turn 60 in roughly 15 minutes 🙂 I don’t see many positive posts about getting older, period. Perhaps it’s time to make a short list about the ways 60 is so, so much better than 40 or 30. Because if I don’t...

My 10 Favorites of Easter ’16

Easter At Ginghamsburg exceeded my expectations. I experienced a lot of God-Moments, not your every-day kind of Easter Worship Weekend. How about I share some of my highlights from this year’s weekend of celebration? 1. Pics of my grandkids. OK, OK, not part of the worship experience – but since they all live three states away the pics...

What’s Your WHY?

Identifying the WHY in our lives can feel so very empowering. Years ago I remember Pastor Mike saying that the key purpose of the sabbath is to re-identify the WHY in our lives. I love that concept. This past weekend while experiencing worship I remembered WHY I started writing years ago. I’ve always been a decent writer – just never...

RE:garding Cherries & Pits

If you were in listening proximity to Pastor Mike’s message this past weekend you are probably in some way trolling on our HAPPILY EVER AFTER? marriage message series @Ginghamsburg. It’s been widely popular and we can only imagine it is ringing a bell (sorry) for many couples – older, youngish and somewhere in between. Our...

So. I upholstered the fridge.

The  best part about owning a 20 year-old refridgerator is that there’s really nothing to lose when considering a major exterior change. Our beloved kitchen cooler is still running strong, just chillin’ and making ice cubes faithfully day after day. I was all set to slather it with black chalkboard paint when it occured to...

Conference Eve

Tomorrow Ginghamsburg will welcome nearly 1000 guests from across the country, Alaska and Canada too – women and men who care deeply and seek to share widely the message of life-changing grace. And while it’s true that Ginghamsburg is a fairly large church, hosting this many folks in our facility is giving us a good...

Create A Stir

A few years ago Ginghamsburg hosted a small guest band with a backup singer who sported some unique wardrobe pieces. I remember complimenting her unusual jewelry and hearing back her simple, sweet response that has stuck with me to this day. “I like to create a stir, she replied.” I’ve been chewing on that uninhibited...

Lead Strong: Ginghamsburg’s 2014 CHANGE THE WORLD conference

Ginghamsburg’s signature CHANGE THE WORLD conference is coming up April 3 & 4 and the excitement is growing! Our staff and church family love having company and some of my best memories are from these annual events. Karen Smith is our Director of Missional Operations and oversees the execution of these conferences, a job for...

Inspiring You

Frequently I get asked how i come up with all the designs  for our projects. The answer is two-fold. First,I’m constantly thinking, ideating and asking myself “what if??” -mentally testing my ideas and exploring all the materials on hand. Yes, it’s a disease. Second, pictures of what others have done become quite inspiring to my...