My 10 Favorites of Easter ’16
Easter At Ginghamsburg exceeded my expectations. I experienced a lot of God-Moments, not your every-day kind of Easter Worship Weekend. How about I share some of my highlights from this year’s weekend of celebration? 1. Pics of my grandkids. OK, OK, not part of the worship experience – but since they all live three states away the pics...
What’s Your WHY?
Identifying the WHY in our lives can feel so very empowering. Years ago I remember Pastor Mike saying that the key purpose of the sabbath is to re-identify the WHY in our lives. I love that concept. This past weekend while experiencing worship I remembered WHY I started writing years ago. I’ve always been a decent writer – just never...
Six Ways I Love Sixty
This isn’t a post you get to write just every day. I’m going to turn 60 in roughly 15 minutes
I don’t see many positive posts about getting older, period. Perhaps it’s time to make a short list about the ways 60 is so, so much better than 40 or 30. Because if I don’t...
Rock, Paper, Scissors: An Easter Stage Design
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” ― Dr. Seuss Easter at Ginghamsburg is always a pretty big affair – lots of energy, thought and resources go into rolling out the red carpet to celebrate all new possibilities – in...
Acquiring the Unusual Without Opening the Wallet
The season of Lent is nearly upon us – 40 days to explore a deeper faith, a richer journey and new yet-unexplored sideroads of connections to God: THE FORGOTTEN WAYS ~ A Lenten Series @ All Ginghamsburg Campuses And for this girl, I relish the chance to crawl inside this theme to ask what the elements...
RE:garding Cherries & Pits
If you were in listening proximity to Pastor Mike’s message this past weekend you are probably in some way trolling on our HAPPILY EVER AFTER? marriage message series @Ginghamsburg. It’s been widely popular and we can only imagine it is ringing a bell (sorry) for many couples – older, youngish and somewhere in between. Our...
My First Ginghamsburg Christmas
Hello all, Brianna here. I know we’re already two weeks into 2015, but is it too late (or too early) to talk about Christmas? I’ve always mourned how quickly we wrap up (puns!) the season. So I invite you to turn on your favorite Christmas tune, grab the last of whatever Christmas treats are still hiding in the cupboard, and reminisce with me...
Meet the Intern
Hello, all! You may have seen me quietly crafting in the background of recent design pictures, or perhaps you’ve spotted me on and off stage at Ginghamsburg, or maybe you’ve even mistaken me for Kim herself (yeah, it’s happened)! Well, let me properly introduce myself today as Brianna the worship design intern! (But you can call me Bri,...