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My First Ginghamsburg Christmas

Hello all, Brianna here. I know we’re already two weeks into 2015, but is it too late (or too early) to talk about Christmas? I’ve always mourned how quickly we wrap up (puns!) the season. So I invite you to turn on your favorite Christmas tune, grab the last of whatever Christmas treats are still hiding in the cupboard, and reminisce with me...

Meet the Intern

Hello, all! You may have seen me quietly crafting in the background of recent design pictures, or perhaps you’ve spotted me on and off stage at Ginghamsburg, or maybe you’ve even mistaken me for Kim herself (yeah, it’s happened)! Well, let me properly introduce myself today as Brianna the worship design intern! (But you can call me Bri,...

Kim Miller

As Worship and Campus Designer, Kim Miller creates experiences and environments for worship, events and community life on Ginghamsburg’s multiple campuses. Kim’s passion for visually, artistically and theologically connecting people to God fueled the pioneering of Ginghamsburg’s signature multisensory worship celebrations and continues to infuse her role as coach of the worship design team-dreaming, developing...
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winter’s gifts

people often ask me how my husband clark is doing – having been seriously injured in our motorcycle accident back in august. good news is that clark is doing well – and now sports three titanium plates in the left side of his face. a not-so-special effect of our recent frigid weather, however is that...