life takes a turn

mid-way through our michigan vacation, my husband clark and i were involved in a serious accident, a run-in with a large bus. i was alert at the scene but clark was unresponsive and subsequently intubated and care-flighted to a large, progressive hospital in grand rapids.

later that evening we learned that while clark sustained multiple facial fractures, there were no brain or spinal cord injuries. words cannot express the incredible relief i felt. yesterday (saturday) clark underwent reconstructive facial surgery and can now boast 3 titanium plates and 16 screws in the left side of his face. our grown children have come around us in amazing ways and will help us return to ohio as soon as we’re travel-worthy.

the outpouring of prayers, emails, calls and visits from friends and family has been completely overwhelming and we will draw strength from this incredible support for years to come. our traveling companions, carl and darcy krumroy have gone above and beyond any ordinary friendship.

today i possess a gift that some of you have personally experienced as well… the palpable awareness of our fragile mortality and the subsequent gift of life that we receive only one day at a time.

more to come in a day or two – God is good.

One Response

  1. Lowell says:

    Hi Kim,

    I’ve not stopped at your blog for a few days and am so sorry to hear of your crash in Michigan! Please know that Ronda and I will have you both you and Clark in our thoughts and prayers for a rapid recovery.

    I too was in a serious crash on my GoldWing a few years ago, and owe my current life to the Lord as there was no human reason I should have recovered unscathed – so always remember “God Is Good – All The Time”.

    I’ll look forward to the updates here and on Ben’s blog.

    YBIC, Lowell Swanson

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