Category Archives: On the Side

what’s new with you?

january is a great time to set new goals and to hear from God about fresh vision for our lives. i’ve enjoyed hearing God urge me to move forward in several areas of my life: family relationships, personal health and fitness, extended networking/influence and last but not least, new design projects in my day job!...

one month to live

it’s january 28th, 2009. do you know where your new year’s commitments are? did you resolve to “make all things fine in 2009?” one of my best next-things has been involving myself with a group of six other women who gather weekly to deal with real-life issues in the context of a book study. our...

winter’s gifts

people often ask me how my husband clark is doing – having been seriously injured in our motorcycle accident back in august. good news is that clark is doing well – and now sports three titanium plates in the left side of his face. a not-so-special effect of our recent frigid weather, however is that...

champions for the arts

each winter nancy beach and the willow creek association pull together a group of 30 “arts champions” chosen from all the over country to participate in conversations around the use of arts in the church and our call to ennoble, connect, equip, and refresh church artists. last week we met in orlando and brainstormed how...

transformations and fresh starts

everyone needs a fresh start in some area of life. i love the idea that yesterday’s failures don’t have to be today’s extra baggage. i love that we don’t have to be stuck in same-‘ol, same-‘ol… and that God’s grace is ever prodding us towards the new thing, the fresh start, the way where there...

alternative christmas

creating environments is at the core of my passion…so when it’s time for christmas i feel excited and open for new, nontraditional ways of expressing the joy of the season. this year as i set out to create environments at home and ginghamsburg i hear these words: everything you need you already have. since mid...

hearts for the sudan

five years ago ginghamsburg church families conceded that christmas was not our birthday, but jesus’ birthday. men, women and children committed to giving as much towards the plight of the sudanese as we spend on our own christmases each year. while at first it seemed a tough pill to swallow, we now realize there is...

what drives your design machine?

i’ve been in atlanta for the last week, soaking up the sunny rays of our brand new grandson, linkin urijah miller. we are lovin’ linkin, and hubby clark and i are getting back in touch with the wonderful world of babies. being away from home, taking long walks in the peaceful, wooded suburbs of atlanta,...

commonplace inspiration

reading oswald chambers’, “My Utmost for His Highest” today, this closing phrase struck a chord in me: We always know when Jesus is at work because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring. the previous paragraphs describe the context in which our lives will influence others toward God. it isn’t in the conscious...

regarding: THE SHACK

have you ever read a book that changed everything about how you viewed life, God and the people around you? i just finished reading THE SHACK and frankly, i don’t care if the story is fact or fiction – it lines up with all the great teaching, human hunches, spiritual longings and scriptural truths i’ve...