makeover @ the mckinney’s

My cell group's booth at Ginghamsburg's 2012 Children's Sudan Bazaar. We raffled off a one-room EXTREME MAKEOVER and netted $500 for the Christmas Miracle Offering.

Girls-only cell group. We had a great time working the booth.

Erica Sharp chooses and reads the name on the golden raffle ticket - Trish Mckinney gets the Extreme Makeover! We are all excited!

THE MAKEOVER BEGINS: A week ago Caryn and Robin applied a glaze to these salmon-colored entry walls. What a great different that made!

Our greatest challenge? Two story walls that definitely needed paint. We chose "ecru" to balance the other bright colors in the room.

So glad Robin and Chris know what they're doing...applying tile around the fireplace.

Not done yet but oh what an amazement this will be.

Just hanging out - and sanding the wall.


One of the brightly colored accent walls we're keeping.

Caryn McDonald is a lean mean painting machine.

Grace Mckinney (on the scaffolding) hung with us, helping when needed. Fun girl! Stay tuned for Makeover @ the Mckinney's Part Deux...





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