I’m someone who spends most of my days redesigning indoor spaces but when it comes right down to it, God designed it best. Out-of-doors is the richest worship environment when the elements permit. Come to think of it, most of our “human” designs are feeble attempts at bringing the outdoors inside. Ambient lighting, rich color and varied texture were all God’s ideas. I’m just a big old copycat.
Ginghamsburg Church hosted Worship On the Lawn this morning – our annual September “welcome back” event, inviting all three of our campuses – all nine of our worship celebrations – into one space for one grand experience. It’s one thing to KNOW we are a unified church family but EXPERIENCING the gift of one another in community is just so much better.
Today’s weather was stellar, spirits were high, music was incredible and hospitality was unsurpassed. Pastor Mike Slaughter’s compelling message capped off our series- focused on the importance of community in our lives: FRAMILY REUNION!
Cool, very cool! #multisiteunity I could feel the Spirit moving.
Yes, it was an awesome morning!