most of my working hours for the last three weeks have been spent at fort mckinley, ginghamsburg’s latest mission initiative. during the summer we acquired the responsibility for a smaller UMC inside the city of dayton. lovingly referred to as the fort, this church and its people have already captured our hearts. the makeover team has worked two full days redeeming community spaces God is already using in a huge way.

our first project was a room formerly known as the parlor. we saw the potential in this space from the get-go, and it now boasts IKEA-esque seating areas, three bistro table sets, and a coffee area with free java available all week long.
this cozy room is just the beginning – much more to come in future blogs. I wanted to share what’s been going on. God is good and people are passionate for this mission. let me know if you want to join this project team. ~