for the last two evenings our ginghamsburg makeover team has joined together for work nights at the avenue, our student activity center. outside the coffee shop is a large paved patio, potentially one of the most beautiful “green spaces” on our entire campus. the only problem is that out here in the cornfields there is no protection from the sun, wind and rain. in order to maximize the use of the patio for cell groups, friendship coffee times and small classes we needed something overhead to shield from the bright sun and occasional light rain.

we found “sun shades” in a catalog (google that phrase if you’re interested) and ordered ourselves 4- 16’ triangular shades and set out to install them, staggered in such a way as to create an interesting design. if this sounds easy, please hear me, it was not. the patio project took 50’ of chain, 12 hours of sweat, 8 bags of cement, 6 really deep post-holes, 5 trips to menard’s, and many patient, problem-solving servants…with a few laughs thrown here and there.
i’m always tempting to get discouraged in the midst of a difficult project and yet, earlier this week oswald chambers reminded me that… “if we are going to live as disciples of jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult. the christian life is gloriously difficult, but the difficulty of it does not make us faint and cave in, it rouses us up to overcome.”
there is no such thing as secular work and sacred work. we must view all work as sacred, missional, and connecting back to the purpose to
which God has called us. so we persevere, and encourage one another forward.
today the breeze is blowing and the sun is hot but it’s nice there in the shade on the patio of the Avenue. our hope is that we’ve earned yet another space for connection and community on the ginghamsburg campus. next mission goal: coffee shop makeover. stay tuned…
I think this was a great project. I’ve NEVER sat out there for that very reason, it was like a magnifying lens out there. This makes it seems like a much more inviting place to sit, relax, share some stories, have a meeting…
Good job! Can’t wait for the next project.
I too have never used that space because of the weather. I have since used it as a classroom space and my temporary office ☺. I’m actually writing from there now. It’s nice to be able to work, talk and hang out with friends without the sun blinding you. Thank you so much for giving me this new space to enjoy. All the spaces are looking great. Thank you and all team for a job well done.